All we know from the latest stream is that the team is working on bringing its vision to life. Unfortunately, we got the vaguest look at this detail. Sim traversal has become far less fraught by the series’ fourth instalment, but there’s still plenty of room for improvement.

Think of the meme of Sims being unable to walk forward because of a plate on the ground. The Behind the Sims stream further highlighted how Sims will navigate their homes, which has been comically awkward since the original. Right now, Sims in 4 mostly seem to wander around, usually in their own neighbourhoods, so it might be interesting if the townies you’re not playing with seem like they have a bit more purpose going forward. meanwhile, every request for afro hair, especially requests for afro ts2 meshes to be converted, get hijacked by people looking for hair that is basically the same as what’s already on offer three times over.We got what seems to be a very rudimentary look at townie Sims walking around a neighbourhood - or, we got little blobs meant to represent townie Sims - in a look at Maxis’ work making schedules and routines to follow. and can i just pre-emptively say, it might seem like there is “a lot” on offer here but the amount pales in comparison to how many non-afro hairs are on offer (literally thousands), and regularly being created. These are all the hairs i could find search for things like dreads, dreadlocks, locks, braids, afro, ethnic hair. I haven’t seen a resource list like this, so hopefully this will be useful if you’re wanting to put afro, dreadlock or braids on your black and mixed sims.Īpologies in advance for a lot of these obviously afro styles being shown on white sims, i’m just using the pics the creators supplied. Januar 2013 note: i am not currently playing the sims, but will keep updating this list with any hair recs brought to my attention.