Using this mod is very simple as it merely extends the trait bar in CAS by one or two hexagons depending on the age, and lets you select extra traits for your sim. Do NOT download both versions, choose one. Note that this version is only required if you are using Chingyu1023’s mod and would like more customization, otherwise download the regular file. If you download a file that allows more traits, you add the extras in-game as usual with their mod. If you use one of their files that gives sims less traits, the extras simply disappear when you go in-game.

Sims can exist with just one trait (this is a regular game feature). You do not need to fill all 5 trait slots if you do not want to.Your toddlers can now be fussy and clingy. Together with adult sims, all other ages have additional trait slots now too:

The combinations are endless, at least if you don't do the math on that! With this mod, your sim can be a loner, clumsy, a dog lover and vegetarian! Never again will you have to watch your supposedly vegetarian sim happily eat a hamburger again just so he could be a music lover instead. Now your sims can have up to five different traits with absolute ease, giving your sims the possibility to have more depth and personality than before. Have you ever wished your sims could have more than three traits? Perhaps there simply wasn't enough room for all of your desired ones and the limitations of the base game forced you to narrow it down to three again, leaving you conflicted at the menu.